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Velocity API - Production
Good Service
Velocity API - UAT
Good Service
Velocity Portal
Good Service
Velocity - Glass Valuations
Good Service
Velocity - Percayso Valuations
Good Service
MXIN Lite - Production
Good Service
Good Service
AutoCheck -
Good Service
AutoCheck Trade -
Good Service


Velocity API - Production

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MXIN Lite - Production

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Monday, September 16th 2024

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Sunday, September 15th 2024

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Saturday, September 14th 2024

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Friday, September 13th 2024

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Thursday, September 12th 2024

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Wednesday, September 11th 2024

Velocity UAT Maintenance

» View Event Details | Created Wed, 11 Sep 2024 08:00:00 +0000


Velocity UAT will be down for maintenance for a short period within its 08:00 to 09:00 BST window on Wednesday 2024-09-11. This will result in a knock-on outage for MXIN-Lite UAT and Experian Apigee UAT for the same duration as the Velocity outage.

Posted: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 08:00:00 +0000

Tuesday, September 10th 2024

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